Monday, September 20, 2010

If You Want Life without Problems

Before giving you some secretes of living a life without problems, I am very enthusiastic to show you, what it means to have a life without problems, because we have not experience it before.
First, let us define the term problem.
We perceive a situation as a problem if the situation blocks something we desire or want. It is the gap between where we are, and where do we want to be.
Let us start dreaming .
You will weak up – as usual- knowing that today you will go to work, everything will go smooth and all people around are obeying your wants and showing you acceptance. The process is so organized and very predictable to the extent that it is routinely operates. Plans are perfectly implemented and deadlines are always met. No problems at all.
You manager will give you the salary raise you want, and equally, for everybody else. And you will get promoted quickly and easily. No problem.
Things will be so predictable that you will not worry about anything, because you surely know that there will be no problem.
For you, everything will seem predictable, no worries, you are always relaxed, because you know that nothing will matter. There is no problem.
Streets are empty, not crowded, everybody smiles and driving calmly and more greet each other. No problem. Of course the car will never break or fail; we are in the world of No Problems.
At home, your wife will never nag, never shout, and never looks ugly. No problem. You husband, will help you in doing everything at home, and will fairly share the responsibility. He will not nag, shout, stair on any other girl and never make a trouble. It is very clam, easy and predictable. No problem.
After a while, the emotions of fear, tension, sadness, anger will disappear. The rest of emotions will stay.
Let us consider some consequences:
  • If things become so predictable then will we ever feel challenged? Challenge is the sense of motive that we feel inside when our capabilities put into test to deliver results. It is the source psychological health aspect called self-efficacy; the believes in our abilities to achieve goals and solves problems.
So before giving you're the secretes of living a life without problems, I will take the feeling of challenge, motivation and the sense of achieving hard goals.
  • If thins are so predictable, and there will be no problem, then you will achieve all what you want!
So, before giving you the secretes of living a life without problems, I will take the feeling of dreaming and the sense of ambition, and excitement.
  • If thins are so predictable, and there will be no problem, then for sure we will get used to all what we have, here it loses its taste. It is the same feeling we have when we buy something new. After a while, it become normal and usual.
So, before grant you the secrete of living a life without problems, I will take from you the joy of change.
So, let me give it to you. The secrete is:
Problems are a vital source of our wellbeing, progress, great achievements, the feeling of challenge, motivation, ambition, the joy of change, the source of dreams, the sense of achievement.
Problems are natural life phenomena. Like eating, sleeping, loving, working, making things, night, sunshine, etc.
We are better to accept problems and treat them, rather than expecting that they should not happen or exists.
The expectation of not to have problems, the fairy-tale mentality, and that they should not exist, is the main source of stress, sadness, reactive behavior, depression, moaning, and helplessness.
I know that we feel tried from problems, but this is because the way we react to problems, think about them, and rejecting them.
How many times we feel terribly worried from the consequences of a problem, and then it happened. The pain of thinking about it exceeded the consequences, did not it?

I am not asking to be perfect and not to feel anything upon having a problem, rather, I am asking to be realistic, and action-oriented.

Let us accept, adapt and improve our life, one step at a time.

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